SevenSight Eligibility

SevenSight Eligibility 150 150 Amalia Savinescu

Take the following test to evaluate if this program is for you.

Please check the number that reflects your immediate response to each statement considering that 1 stands for “This is not me at all” while 5 stands for “This is totally me".

1. I want to get the focus and the commitment required to succeed

2. I want to reach clarity of my expected outcome

3. I want to gain a deep understanding of my motivations

4. I want to make the most of my personality

5. I want to identify all available resources

6. I want to foresee and neutralise pitfalls

7. I want to turn challenges into opportunities

8. I want to learn to master any transformation process

9. I want to be accountable for my own success

10. I want to experience growth and celebrate fulfilment

Thanks for completing the SevenSight eligibility test.